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  • Mum Pat Nkonyeni Awards Celebration

    Umama Pat Nkonyeni wase Mbizana phantsi ko Maspala iWinnie Madikizela Mandela, imvumi eyaziwayo edume ngomculo wezenkolo neyathi yawelwa ngumqa esandleni ngokuthweswa imbasa ye Award as the best song writer e Carletonville kunyaka ophelileyo 04/12/2022 “ithemba lokubuya nezinye iAwards unalo kuba uThixo awuceli sonka kuye akunike ilitye” Umama Pat Nkonyeni wase Mbizana phantsi ko Maspala iWinnie Madikizela Mandela, imvumi eyaziwayo edume ngomculo wezenkolo neyathi yawelwa ngumqa esandleni ngokuthweswa imbasa ye Award as the best song writer e Carletonville kunyaka ophelileyo 04/12/2022 nethe yachongwa ukuvakashelwa kwingingqi yayo eNyaka eBizana ngabaphathi bama Award ase Carletonville uthi ke lo mama " it was her first time to be nominated kuma Awards nanjengoba esanda kuqala ukucula, kumvuyisa kakhulu ukufika kwe ndwendwe eBizana apho azalwa nakhulele khona". Ama artist ase Bizana sele ebhinqele phezulu alinde olosuku lukhulu ukanti nawase Carletonville akazibekanga phantsi ayeza ukuzovuyisana no mama Pat abambiza Mother or President e Gauteng. Umnumzana Kidwell Dingiso kwi Executive yama Awards uthi umama Pat Nkonyeni ufanelwe oku ngendlela asebenza ngayo as a Gospel artist ukanti selemdala, uthi banovuyo olukhulu ukusebenzisana nesiquququ esinjengo mama Pat iAward yakhe uyifumane ngenxa yokusebenza nzima ukuqamba engalali waphuma phambili as the best song writer isiphiwo esinqabileyo ikakhulu kubantu abadala kwanabatsha. Uthi ufumana umama Pat encedisa kakhulu kuma artist amatsha emculweni ewazama ukuba aphumelele kwizakhono zawo nto leyo ibalulekileyo kulutsha ukuphuhlisa amakhono alo. I Winnie Madikizela Mandela Municipality izamkele indwendwe ukuba zikhululeke kulo msitho ibonga kanjalo nge gxathu lika mama Pat Nkonyeni ngokuba sisibonelo kulutsha ikakhulu oseluphelelwe lithemba, oluzinikela kwiziyobisi, kulutsha olumitha luseluncane nakubu ndlobongela. Kwakhona umama Pat Nkonyeni ubuye wazigqatsa nakulo nyaka kwi KZN Namuhla Awards akwa Zulu Natal ne Annual National Amaciko,Ngoma Music Awards ase Carletonville wahlanganisa iProvince ezintathu emnye. Sithetha naye umama Pat Nkonyeni uthi “ithemba lokubuya nezinye iAwards unalo kuba uThixo awuceli sonka kuye akunike ilitye”. Ithemba lakhe linye ngumthandazo nezethembiso zika Bawo amkhonzayo.

  • Meet an independent young lady who is not ashamed of her hustle!

    Continuing with our Rising Star no: 171, today we have one of the most inspirational story from a young lady from a village called Moletjie, Ga Matamanyane, outside Polokwane, Limpopo Province in South Africa. “I am a breadwinner, and my mom is my inspiration, she worked as a domestic worker for her whole life, cleaning people’s yards even today at her mid 50’s, she is still doing that to provide her family. I use every opportunity I get to market my business, I also sell few products such as cockroach killer, Yakgona multi, rat poison and pot shiner soap, whenever I do door to door, I always ensure that people are aware of my services”, she added. Continuing with our Rising Star no: 171, today we have one of the most inspirational story from a young lady from a village called Moletjie, Ga Matamanyane, outside Polokwane, Limpopo Province in South Africa. This is one of the best interview we have ever had more especially in terms of women empowerment. “Thanks a lot for this wonderful opportunity, my name is Makwena Christina Semenya and am 26 years of age. I am a student at Seshego Capricorn College for TVET, studying for Electrical Engineering (Heavy Current) and also a Trade – tested Electrical Artisan. I am a founder and CEO of KW Business Enterprise specialising with cleaning services, laundry and shoe cleaning”, she said. Makwena, popularly knowns by her clients as “Makwena wa go kolomaka le go hlatswa (Makwena who do cleaning and laundry) registered her business after having no luck of getting a job as an Artisan. She got a job as Teacher Assistant and thought of what is gonna happen after since it was just a contract. In short, KW Business Enterprise was started as a way of hustling and thinking about her future. “I am a breadwinner, and my mom is my inspiration, she worked as a domestic worker for her whole life, cleaning people’s yards even today at her mid 50’s, she is still doing that to provide her family. I use every opportunity I get to market my business, I also sell few products such as cockroach killer, Yakgona multi, rat poison and pot shiner soap, whenever I do door to door, I always ensure that people are aware of my services”, she added. The young and intelligent lady charges laundry per basket, prices depend on whether it is washing machine or hand washing. Blankets and curtains are charged per item, drop offs are allowed, house calls are charged per distance and she uses her own washing powder and fabric softener. “I come across lots of challenges in this business, men use business for different motives (looking for relationships), being harassed on duty, bad payers (someone will call you and make excuses when coming to make payments), being mugged by the same clients who hired you (sending their boyfriend to you after payments), sometimes months pass without having a customer and failure to offer services due to lack of finance, transport, equipment etc”, said Makwena. Besides all the struggles, she expressed that the most important thing to keep up with the business is to understand why she is in this type of business. She said her family comes first and appreciate their efforts to assist her when she is overloaded with work. “My last message to all youth out there is that they must not care about what people are saying, at the end of the day they cannot feed you with a loaf of bread. Youth must also learn to take responsibility and be independent”, she concluded. We can tell lot about this young lady, we hope lot of young people will be inspired. More information can be found Email: | Facebook: KW Business Enterprise | Whatsapp: 076 324 0355

  • Rise Africans and clean up your environment

    ABOUT AQUELLE KHULA Khula means ‘grow’ in Zulu and this exciting range of sparkling soft drinks by aQuellé is growing in popularity with South Africans. Available in 4 delicious flavours in 500 ml and 1.5 L, every Khula soft drink delivers a burst of flavour! aQuellé also produces an energy drink, ViV. It is time that the communities in our country take the responsibility to clean up their areas and they can do it in collaboration with other like-minded South African. This is what the KHULA clean-up team is doing. No distance is too far for the KHULA Clean Up team from aQuellé to assist with cleaning up the country. The team recently joined the Matjhabeng Municipality to clean up the Saaiplaas area in the Free State. Almost 200 volunteers from the community took to the streets on 10 June, joined by members of the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) and local organisations and companies including DW Attorneys, Remax, The Daily Bakery and Dierpfontein Christian School. They collected hundreds of bags filled with rubbish from the roadsides. S’khu, the friendly aQuellé Khula mascot, spent the day bringing joy to everyone involved and offering refreshing Khula soft drinks to keep hydrated along the way. aQuellé Khula has joined more than 50 community clean-ups over the past two years throughout South Africa. In many of these towns and cities, local schools, municipalities and environmental agencies volunteered to join in, with over 6500 volunteers who have participated to date. The brand is passionate about the project and the positive impact it is making in communities. “We are excited to be part of a clean-up campaign that encourages people to look after their environment. It’s been great to see large teams of enthusiastic volunteers from the local communities joining us to clean up their areas and promote recycling. All aQuelle bottles are made from PET, which is 100% recyclable, and we can beat plastic pollution together. We have been on a wonderful journey and are thankful to everyone who has assisted,” says Gladson Songelwa of aQuellé. “It is a privilege to work with local communities in creating a happier, healthier space.” Ward Councillor, Ms Veronica Mathenjwa, said that the clean-up was a great success and encouraged the community to continue to keep their environment clean. “Thank you to aQuelle for bringing various stakeholders together – please continue to do so in other areas too,” she added.

  • Tseko Turns Trash To Treasure

    Free State's Tseko Monyamane, an art loving person, creates amazing decoration creations with empty bottles. "l recall in 2018, going through Youtube art videos, when l came across quite adorable items made up of wool and bottles. l saved the videos and told myself that l am going to make them. I went out to buy wool, gather some bottles and started making the items while navigated by the videos", said Tseko, who serves as an assistant library at UWU library. Free State's Tseko Monyamane, an art loving person, creates amazing decoration creations with empty bottles. Tseko, who moved to Vaal for employment in 2004, told RISE AFRICANS that he started drawing and creating funny and cute toys out of waste whilst at school. He said he visited Youtube to read up to better his creative skills, adding, that is when it registered in him that there is no such thing as waste. "l recall in 2018, going through Youtube art videos, when l came across quite adorable items made up of wool and bottles. l saved the videos and told myself that l am going to make them. I went out to buy wool, gather some bottles and started making the items while navigated by the videos", said Tseko, who serves as an assistant library at UWU library. He said converting theory into practical wasn't easy but with passion for art, he kept trying for roughly a year. He then realised he was getting good better best after receiving first customer. "lt took me ages to discover the hot colors", he said, pointing out he learnt a lot from dealing with different customers and also checking on how Dr Mahlangu mix her colors. When duty calls he collects empty bottles by himself at damp sites, some bring them to him after party and sometimes he buys them from recyclers. He concluded that his business is growing and doing good. "At the moment, l promote my business on Facebook and Twitter. Sometimes I choose to display my products at flea markets", he said. Tseko Monyamane can be reached at +27 760 219 040.

  • Brave youth who could not stand in a queue of unemployment.

    Jacob Magoro(26) and Engenas Mamabolo (27) from Mentz, Ga Shiloane, Limpopo, South Africa, have established a farming project called Forever Green in 2020. This after they had noticed the unabated rising of the unemployment rate in the country of which the most affected is the youth. “We started by farming spinach and as time went by, we added tomatoes beetroots and cabbage and the project grew, The University of Limpopo started sending 3rd year students that were doing Agricultural Economics and Animal Production to our farm to do practical studies” Jacob Magoro(26) and Engenas Mamabolo (27) from Mentz, Ga Shiloane, Limpopo, South Africa, have established a farming project called Forever Green in 2020. This after they had noticed the unabated rising of the unemployment rate in the country of which the most affected is the youth. They cited the outbreak of Covid-19 as another aspect that worsened things for them to get job opportunities since companies were retrenching and many people were losing their jobs. That is when they decided to create job opportunities instead of looking for them by starting this beautiful farming project. Both Engenas and Jacob hold the National Diploma in plant production which they obtained from Dzunde Farming Corporate which was under Agri-SITA. The duo is using the backyard that belongs to Jacob’s grandmother which is about 0,235 hectors. “We started by farming spinach and as time went by, we added tomatoes beetroots and cabbage and the project grew, The University of Limpopo started sending 3rd year students that were doing Agricultural Economics and Animal Production to our farm to do practical studies,” Jacob said. Late last year Magoro was awarded the Best Farmer of the year Certificate at the Limpopo SMME’s Awards held at the University of Limpopo. They sell their fresh vegetables to individuals, local pre-schools, and local events such as weddings and funerals. At times when the demand exceeds supply they are propelled to hire seasonal workers to assist during harvesting and distributing times. Just like any other business, Forever Green is not immune to challenges. Jacob said that “Finance is a serious problem since we do not have sponsors or funding. We used stipends that we got from AGRI-SITA to start this project and to sustain it. At times we are unable to afford Pesticides”. The pair highlighted that lack of water negatively affects their plants. They rely on water which is supplied by the municipal trucks which is not enough for irrigating crops on a regular basis. Jacob said that “The municipal truck comes once or twice in a week and each household is only allowed to come with two 210 drums and inconsistent water supply leads to crop damage.”

  • Tavern owners join hands to sponsor a soccer League

    Two Tavern owners team up to provide longevity and sustenance of a Masters Soccer league, which started as a tournament for three teams. “The league started growing and attracted more youth to the extent that they would even fake their age so they could also play in the masters’ league. We felt the need to start a league for them as well with Japhter as the sole sponsor.” Two Tavern owners team up to provide longevity and sustenance of a Masters Soccer league, which started as a tournament for three teams. After the tournament attracted more teams, Japhter Motsepe saw the need to start pumping in some money to ensure the smooth running of the league. Warrick Malatjie from Ga- Kama, Turfloop, Polokwane, joined four seasons later and the games started rotating weekly. The league is now playing in its fifth season, and it consists of 10 teams from Turfloop and Segoreng in Mentz. A Committee and additional members were appointed for the administration of the league. After being approached by Mentz youth to establish another league that would suit them, Japhter Motsepe did not hesitate to have it kick-started and the games play on Saturdays while the Masters play on Sundays. The league is prolonged by playing each team four legs every season unlike professional soccer leagues, which play two legs. This is to avoid a long break before another season resumes, eventually leaving participants in boredom while waiting for another season. The league’s Media Liaisons Officer Tshepo Magoele affectionately known as King Sapa, said that they started the league on the basis that men over 30 years of age were considered old to participate in Soccer tournaments for boys younger than the said age. As a result, they started this league to accommodate them. Magoele cited that consistent participation in the league spares them from contracting diseases such as high blood, and diabetes and helps them to keep fit. He highlighted that the league has contributed to the reduction of extravagant expenditure on alcohol and alcohol consumption from the players. “The league started growing and attracted more youth to the extent that they would even fake their age so they could also play in the masters’ league. We felt the need to start a league for them as well with Japhter as the sole sponsor”’ Magoele said. Teams in these two leagues battle it out for trophies, Soccer kits, as well as awards for individuals such as top goal Scorer, Player of the season, and best referee. “It is in the current season that we are now having a Q-innovation system for all the four quarters of the leagues”, said Magoele. The leagues’ weekly updates are found on King Sapa’s Facebook page.

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