Moving on with our Rising Star feature and today we have our Rising Star no: 183! Another great time to celebrate a young guy who have been in the industry for a long time. He performed in massive events; his songs have been played in big radio stations and featured on biggest TV channels. Kholofelo Baldwin Hlongwane was born on the 17th November in 1994 in Mookgophong, Limpopo Province in South Africa. Baldwin Kay, as popularly known, is a song- writer and entrepreneur.
“I feel honoured to get this wonderful opportunity. I started making music as a rapper during my school days with a group called Mookgophong Theatre of Arts and Culture. I then bought my first acoustic guitar back in 2012 and fell in love with African Pop Music. I have performed in big events such as Mapungubwe Jazz Festival, Mozambique Tour, National indigenous games, Limpopo Music Awards and Sepedi Music Awards, Energy fm 3rd Birthday, to name a few”, he said.
Sharing his opinion about South African music industry, Baldwin Kay said if only music industry can fully form part of the economy then all the talents will be exposed. “Every artist will most likely have a chance because they will be active in the industry”, continued Baldwin Kay.
The talented African Pop has managed to scoop several awards like “Best Sepedi Afro Pop Artist”, “Best collaboration in Limpopo Music Awards” and “Best Live Performer in Modi – Mookgophong Awards”. He was also featured on TV show named “Real housewives of Johannesburg season 2”, “South African Heritage Golden Shield Awards (SABC 2)”, Thobela fm and lot…
“My message to all upcoming artists is to have a patience, take time to sharpen your craft because it will be your sword to fight with once you are up and running. Make more research and learn the chain of music business to avoid finding yourself caught up in the crossfire”, he concluded.
Rise Africans Newspaper is very proud to have such a wonderful talent. Hope lot of youngsters will learn a lot from him and wish him all the best.
Bookings can be done: Call – 064 631 1067 | Facebook: Balwin Kay Music | Twitter: Baldwinkaymusic | Instagram: baldwinkay5 | email: baldwintheacoustica@gmail.com / balafricamnp@mail.com