Pfumelani Cassius Shiburi, (32) was born in a village called Ndindani in Giyani, Limpopo Province and currently residing in Tembisa - Gauteng Province, South Africa. He attended Vahlave primary school in Ngove village, moved to Ndindani village to attend Grade 8 at Gija Ngove Secondary and completed other Grades in the same village till obtaining “B” in Grade 12. He enrolled at University of Johannesburg in 2017, however things did not go well due to finance situation.
Asking him about his stage name , “XamacCombo” he said: “ Xamakhombo is a way of expressing our surname (Shiburi). So I just removed "kh" and replaced with "cC" just to make the name "XamacCombo". In short, my stage name is derived from my surname. Music is in my blood, my grandmother and father use to create good music so I took it from them”.
The talented musician started his career as Rapper then switched to Marabenta and made few songs. “My songs touched many people’s hearts and they started to follow my music. Now I make Xigaza music and gained lot of progress. The road is never easy, I met people who did not want to pay me because of undermining my music. I kept quite and beat them by releasing hit songs and now I get what I want”, he said.
Xitsonga music is gaining much exposure gradually. XamacCombo ‘s hit song “Xigodi ft Dj Slikour” is currently on 1,7 million views on youtube while “Mhana Vafana” is being enjoyed by his fans across the country. He is currently cooking powerful EP consisting of 6 tracks and will be released around April.
“Most of my music is inspired by the beats from my producer who has made hits for lots of artists. Aspiring artists must not undermine their talents and never let anyone belittle them. It only takes determination and hard work to make it in this genre, people will laugh at you but you have stay focused and you will see them slowly changing their minds and supporting your work” he concluded.
XamacCombo is really a game changer! Bookings can be made: His manager, Lekker Stylist on 0785290823 or 0730114326 | Facebook I'm XamacCombo Mhana Vafana | TikTok I'm xamaccombomhanavafana