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Many Geographical names here in the Western Cape where I am currently residing; have a direct derived name meaning from the First Nations People ( Khoi) if we see it daily when either on news; newspapers; Television; Radio; Internet and Social media.

Here are a few names with meanings ; proving to us that KAWAKAWAS ( restoration) is important.

° Karoo ( desert/arid/dry/hard surface)

° Leeu-Gamka (Gam - direct translation of Lion

Ka (Ga) - Spirit)

° Knysna ( derived from NAI - KhoiKhoi for speechless/ flabbergasted - the Knysna forest does that when looking at it)

° Tsitsikamma ( kamma/ ||gamma - water

Tsitsi - clear

Place of Transparent Water)

° Hessaqua ( Hessa - Trees

Qua - People

" People of the Trees)

° Goudini ( Gou - orthographic word from "AU" - bitter

Dini ( Danib ) - honey

Bitter Honey area)

So with all this can we not MU#UIS or Acknowledge these information about who built the Wealth of this Land

Jeffrey Oarasib Hotagob Hartzenberg ©️



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