In just more than 30 days we KARE or praise |ÛMIS TSĒS or Heritage Day; but what trauma and confusion doesn't it leave to our Khoi People?
I can #AIHO or Remember one school trip to Iziko Museum in ||HUI!GAES or Cape Town; when we saw the "MISCAST OF THE BUSHMEN " exhibition which made many kids in my class of Khoi origins labelled today as !GORAN or Coloureds; actually being felt inferior and ||HOBOS or nothing left in TOAXA or Ashamed of seeing this is what we are being seen as.
Which brings me to this: maybe that's why we are being feeling TOAXA of our roots as what we had been GAMA!GÂ or mislead by indoctrination of what we are yet other groups in ! NAREMÂB or South Africa wear with #NÎSA or pride their |ÛMIS SARAN or Heritage Clothing.
One day that brings too many trauma and confusion and shame to a people whose ABOXAN or Ancestors built the !KHÚSIB or Wealth of this Land.
So we also get sections in our society who labels us as drunkards and culture less people ( anyways next article I'll dissect the alcohol propoganda and trauma left on Khoi People); which shows us the highly KAKAPUSA or Amnesia we still have in a democratic country.
A people who lost their Language and Heritage is certainly a people who have to go through TSÛ or Pain in order to deal with things done to them.
Lastly the question regarding why Khoi People have European surnames is because the only way to have seen a Khoi Person as civilised was to baptize them with Christianity.
Still it shows we as a country has a lot to learn regarding the First Nations People ÔANANÔAGUB or Descendants who are still Gaslight victims in a TSĒKOROBE or Daily basis.
Jeffrey Oarasib Hotagob Hartzenberg ©️