Moving on with Rising Star no: 206, this time we turn the tables and look at dusty soccer! We had a nice chat with talented soccer commentators from Nkomazi, Mpumalanga Province in South Africa. Evence Mabunda (24) and Nhlanhla Lusu (24) are not ready to give up their dreams, no matter the circumstances, the world must watch out!
“We started with commentary back in 2013 at school while doing Grade 8, commentating at local tournaments in different places around Nkomazi and got a luck to be appointed as part of Selati Cup. We grew up in a disadvantage background with no television at home, we use to listen to Bheki Letsoalo and the late Zero Man Phangisa on Ligwalagwala FM and were impressed about the way they narrate the game”, said Evence
Zong B Siswati commentators, as popularly known, have shared their skills at local tournaments at Langeloop, Kamhlushwa, Driekoppies, Mangweni, Boschfontein, Kamdladla and other places. They are currently adding some experience at an online local radio station called “Intsetse” and busy commentating at Mpumalanga ABC Motsepe league.
“We love football with all our hearts, our challenge now is a finance to buy equipment, pay for transport and food. It is hard to get an exposure from a village called “Langeloop”. We call all the sponsors to come on board. Our best highlight so far will be a game between Mlambo Royals and Secunda M Stars at Mbombela Stadium, it was a great experience considering that the game was at one of the biggest stadium which hosted 2010 World Cup” added Evence.
The talented lad appreciates the love they get from community at large. They can be found: Facebook page "Zong B Swati commentators" | whatsap or call 0722813510/ 0790274088 | They are available to narrate soccer match at any place.