Moving on with Rising Stars feature! Today we roll with our Rising Star no: 195 all the way from Eldorado Park, Johannesburg South, Gauteng Province in South Africa. Raeez Kuhn (27) was born in Sophiatown, Johannesburg West and attended Arthur Blaxall School for the blind in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu Natal Province in South Africa.
“My love for music started after loosing my eyesight and my father through an accident. Being someone who has disability (blind), I used to have few radios and started to listen to lot of mixes from radio shows. Dj Kent and Dj Take inspired me a lot. Since the age of 10, I dreamed of being DJ but was discouraged because of my disability. I never gave up and did lot of research and figured out how to DJ”, said Eezo.
In 2012, DJ Eezo The Blind DJ, learned some DJ basics using Virtual DJ on PC by using a screen reader called NVDA. In 2013, he made his first mix and 2014 he learned how to play on CDj’s professionally on his own. When asking him about how he types on his phone, he said: “I type with an app called talk back known as “android accessibility suite”, I do everything on my phone, from sending messages, posting, and replying to comments”.
Dj Eezo has performed in many places such as Welkom, Free State Province, Newlands at a bar called “Boithabisong” where the crowd blindfolded him after not believing his amazing mixes. He also played in Limpopo Province and The Rage Festival in 2020.
“One of biggest challenge I face as a blind DJ is lack of proper DJ equipments and transport. I do not get much from the gigs and struggle much to put my work together. Without a laptop and a mike and cdj's I cannot pursue my career to the fullest”, added Dj Eezo.
The talented Dj was once featured on SABC 2 show and mention it as his unforgettable lifetime memory. His dream is to play international stage and have a business that facilitates blind people.
“All I can say is that people with disability must not limit themselves and remember anything is possible, nothing comes easy but it’s worth waiting, and perseverance is a key. Practicing your craft is very important, you can become anything you want regardless of you situation”, concluded Dj Eezo.
Rise Africans Newspaper is very proud of Dj Eezo The Blind DJ and wishes him best of luck.
Bookings can be done: Eezotheblinddj@gmail.com | Facebook page Dj eezo the blind dj |Instagram @eezo_the_blind_dj | Whatsapp me on 0678208855 | WEBSITE http://www.linktr.ee/eezotheblindd