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The road to recovery offered full restoration for Adam

Gerda Potgieter

It is never too late to change your life, and nothing should hold you back from living a better life. We wanted to bring you another powerful recovery story that will inspire you and make you smile. The people who share their stories with us do so with humility and honesty, and it moves us! They acknowledge they made mistakes, but most importantly, they learned from them and now use their experiences to help others. The story below is the story of Adam Mickleburgh. Now a qualified law expert, he once thought his brain was damaged as a result of drug abuse. The road to discovery brought him to full restoration.

Because of an addiction to crack cocaine and heroin, Adam spent two years in prison in a foreign country, was deported to South Africa, and finally ended up living on the streets of Durban. He had harmed his parents to the point that they could no longer cope with having him in their lives. Things had reached the point where he was considering committing suicide, as there was simply nothing left of his life.

And humanly speaking, he had no way to escape from the pit he had dug for himself. His life was one of sin and rebellion against God, and he had chosen to live that life! After seeking help at many rehabilitation institutions, things had only ever gotten worse. Then he heard about the CYPSA (Concerned Young People of SA) programme at the KwaSizabantu Mission and went into an internet café to look up directions.

Adam arrived in June 2012, two days before a youth conference that was being hosted at the Mission. “I had never heard such preaching before, although I had spent time in many churches. When I heard the sermons at the conference, I knew in my heart that it was the truth being preached. My life was never the same again from that day onwards,” Adam said.

Today, more than 10 years after he first entered the gates of KwaSizabantu, he has completed an LLB degree and his first year of articles to be admitted as a practising attorney. He works in the aQuellé water bottling plant based on the Mission grounds and he also assists in the CYPSA program by helping others with their addictions. Adam married a young lady whose life is also dedicated to Christ and His work, and the couple serves the Lord together. They were recently blessed with a beautiful baby girl.

‘For over 10 years now, I have experienced the unceasing kindness, love, selflessness and patience of the co-workers, mentors, and seniors at KwaSizabantu. These people have surrendered their lives completely to help people like me and rescue them,’ Adam concluded.

(Read the full story by following the link:


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