The CYPSA (Concerned Young People of SA) restoration program has been doing excellent work, leading to formal invitations from education departments to conduct campaigns within their jurisdictions. CYPSA provides drug and human trafficking awareness workshops for principals and educators. They visit communities and schools to educate and raise awareness about addictions. Thanks to the goodwill of the KwaSizabantu Mission, these services are offered free of charge to schools. The youth helped by CYPSA include drug addicts, drug dealers, pimps, gangsters, human traffickers, HIV-infected youth, and pornography addicts. Additionally, CYPSA visits prisons to bring hope to inmates through reconciliation.
Dumisa Myeki received help for his previous addictions through prayer and counselling. He stated, "I come from the Eastern Cape in Mount Frere. I joined CYPSA at KwaSizabantu Mission on the 4th of December, 2016. I was struggling with alcohol addiction, and it had severely impacted my life. Due to my alcohol abuse, I lost my job and was unable to support my six children. This took a toll on my self-esteem to the extent that I gave up on life and spent my days drinking. I was depressed because I couldn't be the father I wanted to be for my children.
“However, the Lord brought people across my path who told me about CYPSA and the KwaSizabantu Mission and introduced me to the Lord Jesus Christ. I arrived at CYPSA with no skills, having been a general worker at my previous place of employment. After the Lord blessed me with employment at aQuellé as a general worker, I was promoted to machine operator, and I am now working as a mixing technician. Only God knows the plans He has for us! I am very thankful to those at CYPSA who sacrificed so much and have been used by God to save my life and the lives of so many others. Thank you, and God bless you.”