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Msizi Ndlela gives us a story of inspiration

Gerda Potgieter

We love sharing inspiring stories of people who turned their lives around for good with our readers. To inspire and uplift you, we took hands with Devoted magazine and the Concerned Young People of South Africa (CYPSA) to celebrate restored lives. We share with you the restoration story of Msizi Ndlela

Peer pressure is a direct or indirect influence on peers and can be negative or positive. Peer pressure affects an individual’s beliefs, values, and behaviour. In Msizi Ndlela’s case, he gave in to the wrong peer group and got involved in drug abuse, but thankfully, he received a second chance to restore his life. Now 38 years old, he was born and raised in Ntuzuma Township in Durban. He is from a Christian family and was raised by his mom, who was a single parent. As a youngster, he attended church and Sunday school, which made him believe all was well with him. But when he began high school, things started to get off track.

When Msizi became involved with the wrong group, his motivation was to fit in and prove that he was one of the group, but that is where things started to go wrong in his life. He started smoking cigarettes and then dagga. As time went on, he started using heroin and drinking alcohol. To fund his drug abuse, he would rob people and break into homes, thinking it would prove he was a real man. Soon, he ended up in prison, which troubled his mother, and she put him on medication for depression.

At that time, he heard about the CYPSA restoration program at the KwaSizabantu Mission. In July 2019, he joined CYPSA’s programme, and his restoration began. He attended the services and spoke with a counsellor, who was made available to guide him on his journey. Msizi felt a deep need to confess his sins, made his life right with God and sprang into action. From there on, everything started to change positively for him, and he was freed from drug addiction. He has also been blessed with a job at the aQuellé factory and can now care for his mother and family.

Msizi took control of his life and completed a one-year course in Stores and Warehouse Management. He says, “I am thankful for a second chance in life and am making the best of it.”

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