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KwaSizabantu conference will end Youth Month on a high note

Gerda Potgieter

Planning for the Youth Conference at the KwaSizabantu Mission is well on track. The conference will take place at the Mission from 28 June to 5 July. The theme is Let’s Lift Jesus Higher (Masimphakamise uJesus) and it has the potential to end Youth Month on a high note.

Since it was founded over fifty-two years ago, the KwaSizabantu Mission has incorporated local youth in its outreach programs. Twice a year, and every two years, the Mission has hosted a conference for the youth to teach them life and other valuable skills. These conferences have been a source of many blessings and provided hope for thousands of young people who attended the conferences over the years and changed their lives around for the better.

Those of you who cannot make it to the conference, don’t despair. You can tune into Radio Kwezi or live stream at Services will be broadcast in isiZulu/English, German, French, Sesotho and Portuguese. The service times are as follows 10:00; 15:00; and 19:00 every day (except on Sunday when the morning service will start at 11:00.

KwaSizabantu Mission is a non-denominated Christian mission station that reaches out to people of all racial and cultural groups, bringing spiritual guidance, education support and counselling. Since the mission started over fifty-two years ago, it has opened its doors widely to the youth, to give them hope, uplift them and help them with challenges. Christian leaders and preachers from across the globe have always been invited to share the pulpit with the founder, Rev Erlo Stegen, to preach the gospel to the youngsters. In the past and during this conference, many of the young people who attended decided to change their lives around for the better and accept the Lord, Jesus as their saviour. Many of these inspiring and life-changing stories can be read on the Mission’s official website.

A conference such as the KwaSizabantu conference is an effective means for engaging youth and benefits not only the youth themselves but the entire community. Emseni Farming has joined the Mission and uses the conference also to teach them valuable skills, such as growing a vegetable garden in their own backyards. This is a great way to motivate the youth to take care of their own needs, and the project has been expanded since. Dietmar Joosten, farm manager of Emseni has implemented the programme during the previous youth conference and said he hopes that it will motivate them to venture into agriculture. “I want to encourage you to grow your vegetable gardens so you can help care for your families”, Dietmar told the youngsters during the skills training session. He added: “In this way, you can help yourselves, and you can also help others. Maybe you can later pursue careers in food security”.

(Provided by Devoted magazine. Read some of the life-changing stories on:



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