!Gâi||goas - Good Morning
!Gâi Tsēs - Good Day
!Gâi tsē !Gâ ||aeb - Good Afternoon
!Gâi !Oes - Good Evening
Tawedes - Hello
Matisa - How are you?
!Gâi a sado mîre? - I'm good and you
||Khore ||hare he re - Welcome
Mâpats ta sâusen - Where are you hiding?
||Hawe ||ae-e ta ge mû du tama ha - Long time no see?
Tita ge saxa |uru tama ha - I didn't forget about you
Ti xats |uru ha? - Did you forget about it
Toxoba - please
Gangans - Thank You
!Gâi a #an (t) si sa - Great meeting you
#uru ta ge a - I'm healthy
!Gû ta ra - I'm going
!Gâise hâ re - Stay well
!Gâise !gû re - Go well
!Gâi tsēsa uhâ re - Have a nice day
!Gâise sâ re - rest well
!Gâise !nari re - drive safely
|Û re - Stop
|Ûbe te - I'm sorry
Tita tsîn - me too
Oarasib ©️
Jeffrey Oarasib Hotagob Hartzenberg
Useful phrases to greet and have a useful conversation with a Khoi Person