KhoiKhoi di #Khoamîdi
KhoiKhoi Proverbs
|Gui tsēs ge a |gui tsē
"One day is one day"
Khao gomas tsîn ge !haras !nâ ra #gâ
"The Cradle will rock"
Arib tsîn ta |ûna xau
"Even a dog can shit hair through its faeces "
!Gâi dis ge tsūse disa
" Doing good can also have bad intentions of return"
Mâ arib hoab ge ||îb tsesa ūha
"Every dog gets its day"
!Naesi Gowagu A !Aroma
"Indigenous Languages Matter"
|Gam #khoakha ra !gaugupa î ge |gâ-e ||hai tama hâ
"When 2 elephants fight; the grass will suffer"
Jeffrey Oarasib Hotagob Hartzenberg