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“I am living a life free from drugs and alcohol”

Gerda Potgieter

Substance abuse has devastating effects on a person’s life and the lives of those close to them. Sometimes these effects even reach broader environments. Despite the countless negative consequences, the inability to quit impacts everything around the addict. For those who turn away from their old life makes all the difference. It leads to a sustainable outcome, cleanses them from all unrighteousness, and reminds them daily that we stand before God in the grace of Jesus Christ. This was the positive experience Siyanda Cibane had when he gave his life to Jesus. He is no longer a slave to dagga and alcohol.

“My life was very difficult when I was a slave to dagga and alcohol,” Siyanda told us. “I started at a very young age when I began to smoke cigarettes when I was only 11 years old.” Later, in high school, he started smoking dagga, which was popular at his school. When he finished school and joined the workforce, he also started drinking alcohol. Not long after this, he was hooked on alcohol and rapidly became a very heavy drinker.

Siyanda would party every weekend, with devastating consequences. His drinking habit eventually cost him his job. After he lost his job, Siyanda became very depressed and drank even more until he reached the point where he lost all hope and gave up on life.

He needed God to help him because nothing else he had tried could free him from depression and alcohol abuse. And then, in 2016, everything changed when he arrived at KwaSizabantu and started to follow their CYPSA restoration program.

“After a while, I started to confess my sins and reached out to others for help. I asked a child of the Lord to pray with me,” Siyanda explained. After receiving prayer and through the confession of his sin, he was set free from the life he had been living!

For the very first time in his life, Siyanda is now a happy person. With a huge smile, he declared, “I am now a part of the Lord’s work, and my experience is that God is helping me every day with the challenges of life.”

(Read the full story by following the link:



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