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Gerda Potgieter

There is power in sharing inspirational stories with others. It’s a way we can connect as humans and learn from each other. All of us need a motivational force to keep our hopes alive. Storytelling also establishes common ground. Over the years, Devoted has built a repository of stories for its readers to draw from. Devoted now shares those testimonies with our readers in the hope they will tell and retell these stories to give others hope and inspire them. You can also help us build our collection of inspiring stories by sharing your unique life-changing experience. We will publish the submitted stories at our discretion.

Stanley Pieterse’s story about substance abuse, recovery and hope it will inspire you. There are many reasons why young people start abusing alcohol and drugs, but peer pressure and social circumstances, including the low cost and easy access to substances in South Africa, play a significant role. Unfortunately, substance abusers often ignore the impact on their internal organs, including the heart, liver, and brain. It can cause permanent physical damage, including the risk of strokes and life-threatening infections. This is the story of Stanley in his own words:

“I am an ex-drug addict and alcoholic who grew up on the streets of Eersterust in Pretoria. My parents divorced when I was in primary school, and when I reached high school, I started smoking cigarettes and dagga. I quickly moved to using harder drugs like crack cocaine and crystal meth. I robbed people, broke into factories and cars, and pickpocketed and conned people to fund my drug addiction. I was arrested many times but was never convicted.

“Numerous times I tried to fix my life and would even get jobs that paid very well, but I would always mess up and lose the job due to my drug addiction. I went to three different rehabilitation centres to try and get help with my drug problem, but I always returned to using drugs shortly afterwards. It was when I hit rock bottom that my mother told me about CYPSA. I decided to join their Restoration Programme.

“When I arrived at the gate, I handed in my cigarettes and other illicit items I had on me and felt a change upon entering the gates. I was not given any detox medication as I was not at a rehabilitation centre, but I was prayed for and could attend the daily services. I confessed my sins, received prayer, and was advised to go back to my community, ask forgiveness, and make amends for the wrong things I had been doing where I lived. When I offered to pay some community members back, they did not want the money and said they were happy to see how well I was doing and that I should continue in the new way I was on, and that would be payment enough for them. By giving my life to the Lord, God awakened the gifts He had given me. I have started to write poetry and have even had an opportunity to recite my poetry live on the radio.

“There is a book publisher that is helping me towards having a book of my poems published. I am working again now, and the Lord has done wonders in my life. Since I started working at the aQuellé bottled water factory, I have been promoted five times! I am now working as a technician and a Health and Safety Representative after completing training for the role. My family members are very proud of me and always look forward to seeing me when I visit them at home. I thank the Lord for giving me another chance at life and for blessing me so abundantly. I thank all of those at CYPSA for being instruments used to save my life and the lives of thousands of others like me. May our powerful Lord continue to bless the CYPSA organisation so the Lord’s saving work may continue.”

(Read more of these stories on the website:


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