Domino Servite School (DSS) continues its legacy of excellence with an outstanding 100% matric pass rate for 2024. This remarkable achievement reinforces the institution's commitment to academic excellence. Among a cohort of 31 determined candidates who earned a total of 210 symbols, an impressive 66 distinctions were celebrated.
5 candidates achieved within the Top 1% of candidates per subject for Afrikaans First Additional Language, Geography and IsiZulu Home Language.
The 2024 cohort includes 3 international learners, 26 learners from KZN, 1 from Gauteng and the Free State and represents 6 language groups. Domino Servite’s achievement is remarkable as it provides equal opportunities to students from diverse academic backgrounds.
Nestled in the picturesque Kranskop area of KwaZulu-Natal, DSS is a vibrant part of the KwaSizabantu Mission's expansive main campus. Over the years, countless local families have embraced the mission as their home, while many have found meaningful employment within its flourishing businesses. This sense of community sparked the establishment of a much-needed school, erected in 1986. It is designed to cater to both the needs of the missionaries and the surrounding populace. At its inception, approximately 85% of the students at DSS hailed from the Zulu community, but as the years have passed, the school's demographic landscape has shifted dramatically, and it welcomes learners from across the globe.
DSS is not just an independent school; it’s a beacon of Christian principles and values, dedicated to providing a globally relevant education. The institution offers a comprehensive curriculum from Grade RRR to Grade 12 and has proudly held the distinction of being an IQQA-approved ISASA school since 2018.
Students benefit from an exceptionally skilled and devoted teaching staff, engaged in fostering a value-based educational experience that equips them for the myriad challenges of the 21st century. What truly sets DSS apart is its unwavering commitment to collaboration; it thrives on the synergy between educators, parents, and the wider community, coming together to forge innovative development programs that address shared goals and tackle challenges head-on, rather than waiting for government intervention. This dynamic partnership makes a profound difference, nurturing a thriving educational environment where every learner can flourish.
Reading about a thriving school in our country feels like a breath of fresh air amidst the troubling tales we often hear and see on social media platforms about the state of education. It’s disheartening to witness the struggles faced by many schools, particularly in far-flung areas where resources and opportunities are painfully limited. Deep in a remote corner, DSS stands as a beacon of hope in a community grappling with unemployment and hardship. Hearing a success story like this one rekindles a sense of optimism, reminding us that there are still places where determination and resilience can lead to positive change.
Our readers can learn more about DSS on their website: www.dss.org.za. You can also read more inspiring stories from the learners themselves about the school in our sister publication, Devoted, by following the link: https://www.devotedmag.co.za/