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When will we see equality

histories retold of First Nations People?

Stories of Xhoré & Autshumato

both who resisted in the 17th century

Autshumato not your naked beachcomber

but an influential polyglot

Camissa (the sweet river) on Huri #Oaxa (Table Mountain) / overflowing !khúsib (wealth)

Sida ge ra tsoatsoa ( We are ready)

mî te sada |garubes (telling our stories)

Toa tama !khams ge

(the struggle continues)

Not hearing our true stories

history giving fake believes

Doman who resisted the VOC

yet he lost his life without any peace

Mama Sarah Baartman mocked

her beauty being maliced

Toa tama !khams ge

we want equal history.

Oarasib ©️

Jeffrey Oarasib Hotagob Hartzenberg

(The poem written by the author is a telling of Khoi Warriors who are totally erased from the history diaspora of RSA; yet each description read is what is or was that happened and or has been told that brought further oppression and certain external factors that oppresses Khoi People still)



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